Saturday, July 20, 2013

{homebody} garden goodies

it's our first summer in our new house and it seems like every time we turn around something new is growing in the yard!  we've planted a few things, but everything you see here was already growing {and those strawberries are the absolute sweetest strawberries i've ever tasted!}...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

{memory lane} around the world in ten years

ten years ago today, a nice boy in clown shoes and a pick-up truck took me out on a date.  we took our first trip together three weeks later and have been partners in travel and life ever since.  we're the luckiest.  i'm the luckiest.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013

{pinteresting} happy independence day!

wishing you a safe and happy holiday weekend filled with fireworks, food, and fun!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

{memory lane} our on-the-border-versary

ten years ago on this very day, i was drinking margaritas with some friends at the on the border restaurant in denton, texas.  my friend's boyfriend's friend was there and we started talking... and i believe the rest is history.  :)

{just because} helplessly hoping

some sweet song lyrics to sweeten your day...