Monday, March 29, 2010

{adventures abroad} roma: day seven - appian way and trastevere

on our last day in rome, we slept as late as we could and ate a big breakfast. the weather was absolutely perfect. we strolled through the pope's palm sunday service at saint peter's square and took the metro to the circus maximus. we stood in line to stick our hands in the la bocca della verità à la audrey hepburn and then headed over to the baths of caracalla.
we wandered around the baths of caracalla for quite a while. we befriended a sweet little black cat and decided that she was great but that we definitely missed our two black cats back at home.
next we walked over to the appian way and ambled along the ancient road up to san callisto. our intention was to tour the catacombs there; unfortunately our credit card didn't work in their machine and we were two euros short of the entry fee {apparently they'd raised the price since our guide book was published}. we were disappointed of course, but it was a beautiful walk nonetheless. we made the best of it, playing in the field of flowers and admiring the scenery.
from there we took a bus/metro combination across the tiber to trastavere and wandered its romantic cobbled streets admiring medieval homes and wishing we had more time to explore. we ate gelato on a bridge and tried our best to soak up our last afternoon in roma.
that evening we ate an early dinner in a quiet cafe, packed our suitcases, and fell asleep eating cookies in bed.

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