Thursday, April 11, 2013

{memory lane} on turning thirty

if you had told me ten years ago about where i'd be at age thirty, i'd probably have looked at you like you were crazy and told you that you had the wrong girl.

it'd go something like this:

hey, 20-year-old olivia!  guess what?  when you're thirty you'll be living in small-town colorado {i know you think you're a city girl} in your very first house with your amazing husband {you'll meet him in a few months, don't worry} and two cats.  you'll be a freelance graphic designer {yes i realize you're afraid of computers and you think you're going to be a famous fashion designer} and you'll have traveled all over the world with no intent on stopping any time soon {even though you're a broke waitress right now}.  you'll wake up at 5am three days a week {ha!} to go to bootcamp {double ha!} with some wonderful people who will challenge you and inspire you.  you'll hike and do yoga and run for fun {and no, not in your high heels}.  you'll even run two half marathons {that's 13.1 miles - even though you've never run more than 3 miles and you hate running}.  and although this might all sound terrifying and so not-you {okay except for the husband-and-cats part}, it most certainly is you.  
you will love your life with every part of you and thank your lucky stars every single day.  you will love the people in your life with all of your heart and soul and know without a doubt that you're exactly where you're supposed to be; that all the struggle and change that have marked your twenties will have been worth it and that this next chapter of your life will be amazing and exciting and wonderful and you will happily greet it with open arms and an open heart.

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